If you're traveling by plane and you change to another country or continent, it is normal for your sat nav to take longer to obtain a valid GPS signal. The GPS time decreases significantly after the first use.

After obtaining the signal, the GPS reception icon will change to blue and then to green when at least 4 satellites were able to be obtained. The signal can take up to 20 minutes if you are using NDrive on your sat nav for the first time, or if you haven't used it for a long time.

It is common not to be able to fix the satellite signal inside buildings. When used outdoors, your sat nav may have more difficulty in obtaining a satellite signal in locations having dense trees or tall buildings. In order to obtain a GPS signal more effectively, place your sat nav on your car's dashboard, preferably near the windshield, so it won't affect your driving. GPS Navigation Before starting the update process, you need to download and install NPlus, a free application that will manage your software and map version, which you can download and install on your computer.Tips for obtaining a valid GPS signal on NDrive 11: Question marks on NDrive: please try to update the equipment again, if the error persists please contact NDrive Technical Support. When starting the NDrive software for the first time after updating: The NDrive software does not start up after updating: a file was corrupted during the update process, please contact our Technical Support. Check the table below to see the cards that may be used: Touch SE, Touch XL SE, Touch XXL SE, Kamal 430/430i Up to 32Gb Note: For OEM partners, please check with the manufacturer / distributor which type/maximum capacity of memory cards are needed for the proper functioning of NDrive Possible errors after the update process, i.e. If NDrive application is installed in the internal memory get a memory card with at least 1GB capacity.

There is no available space to complete the operation: please get a bigger capacity memory card. If this error remains after several attempts, please contact our Technical Support.